Lynx O/C/S Receiver
LiftMaster Sec+ 2.0 Keyless Entry
Devanco O/C/S for 8-Doors L5
Lynx Wireless Proline Keyless Entry 303 MHz
Manaras 32-Door Dip Switch Transmitter O/C/S
LiftMaster Universal Weather Resistant Receiver
Micanan 3 Channel (123) Transmitter 372 MHz
Micanan 1 Channel Hand Held Transmitter (for APT applications) Sold Individually
Micanan 1 Channel Transmitter 372 MHz
LiftMaster Universal Coaxial Receiver Sec+ 315 MHz
Marantec 2-Button Transmitter 315 MHz 97243/122436
Doorlec AT1035D 1-btn Mini Transmitter 313 MHz ** To extent of inventory
Equinoxe Long Range Receiver 1-Door 433 MHz New Generation
LiftMaster Sec+ 2.0 Keyless Entry with Universal compatibility (MAX)
Equinoxe Long Range Receiver 1-Door Industrial Enclosure 433 MHz Pre-2016
Equinoxe Long Range Receiver 1-Door Industrial Enclosure 433 MHz New Generation
NICE 1-btn Keychain Remote 433.92 MHz
LiftMaster Commercial Access Control Receiver Security+ 2.0
Equinoxe Long Range Transmitter O/C/S for 16-Doors 433 MHz Pre-2016
Equinoxe Long Range Transmitter O/C/S for 16-Doors 433 MHz New Generation