Devanco Canada

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Manaras Synthetic Oil Upgrade for MGH up to 1.5HP

  • This Upgrade Mod. is only available when purchaed with a compatible operator
  • Synthetic oil is placed in the operator's reducer for improved performance stability and decreased sensitivity to temperature variances

Manaras Reverse Limits

  • Necessary feature when the opening and closing of the door corresponds to a different rotational direction than the operator

Manaras Synthetic Oil Upgrade Only

  • This Upgrade Mod. is only available when purchaed with a compatible operator
  • Synthetic oil is placed in the operator's reducer for improved performance stability and decreased sensitivity to temperature variances

Manaras Auxiliary Output Module Modification


Manaras Motor 208V/1Ph 60 Hz Modification No extra charge

  • The standard 240V/1Ph op. is coverted to 208V/1Ph incoming power supply

Manaras Double Limit Switches Mod. (Per Side)

  • An extra SPDT pole is available to control auxiliary features such as lights fans etc..
  • The additional pole must be specified on either the normally open and/or normally close contact as well as on the opening and/or closing sides
  • Modification upcharge is charged per side

Manaras Non-Resettable Counter Modification Inside Control Box

  • An electromechanical counter is activated to count each complete door cycle.

Manaras Safepack 24V Control Circuit

  • A safepack module is used as an "Intrinsically Safe Barrier Relay" and in hazardous locations with non-voltage producing sensors allowing the user to use a N.O. non-monitored sensing edge.

Manaras Factory Installed Mod plug-in receiver for Board 70 operators 390 MHz

  • Direct ECB plug-in receiver card (factory installed)
  • 16 transmitters maximun per receiver.
  • Use part # RADIO-KIT004 when adding or replacing on-site.
  • This is now standard equipment on all Circuit board operators