Devanco Canada

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LiftMaster Non-Resettable Counter Field Kit

  • A 6-digit non-resettable 24VAC electro-mechanical counter is mounted in the operator control enclosure.
  • This devise counts the number of times the CLOSE coil is energized or whenever the operator reaches an auxiliary open limit switch.
  • This corresponds to the number of complete door cycles of use.

LiftMaster Auxiliary Limit Switch Mod M62 Open Factory Installed

  • Provides a limit switch for use by others to control auxiliary devices such as lights heaters dock levelers or other equipment.
  • The switch can be used to turn on or off such equipment when the door is fully opened or fully closed.
  • When ordering specify whether the auxiliary switch is required on the OPEN or CLOSE side of the control enclosure.
  • A maximum of 2 switches per operator can be supplied.
  • Each switch is SPDT (form C) and is rated 10 amps at 125/250 VAC
  • Wire leads are provided on field install kits
  • .......more details

LiftMaster Timer-to-Close Factory or Field Install

  • Compatible with models VSL595 BG770 and BG790
  • Provides an adjustable timer in the operator control circuit which will close the gate automatically after the preset adjustable time interval
  • May be factory or field installed
  • Same as 71-26438 G7126438

LiftMaster Auxiliary Relay Option Board

  • Provides additional contacts for and control of auxiliary devices such as external heaters security devices or warning devices
  • 5V to 240VAC

LiftMaster Field Mod. Dual Aux. Limit Switch