Carlo Gavazzi Reflector 4" (100mm) Square
Carlo Gavazzi Reflector 3-1/4" (84mm) Round
Push Button Station 3-btn Surface Mount Metal Housing
Devanco Take-Up Reel 2-Wire Metal 18-ga 20ft Black
Devanco Canada Soft Edge End Caps Sold Individually
Devanco Canada Soft Edge Profile Sold per Foot
Fusible Link For Loads 1 to 30 lbs
Push Button Control Station 3-Button Surface Mount NEMA 4/12 O/C/S Black Black Red
Omron Retro-Reflective Photocell w/Built-In 10K Resistor UL325-2018 *Same as model E3K-R10K4-NR-1
Take-Up Reel 2-Wire Metal 18-ga 20ft
Exterior 3-Wire Air Switch SPDT with Plastic Housing Mosley
Bridge Rectifier 25A 600V
Loop Sealant Cartridge Grey 29oz
Interlock Switch for Sectional Doors
Rubber Plug 1/2"
Take-Up Reel 3-Wire Metal 30ft Extended
Loop Sealant Cartridge Black 29oz
Omron Heavy-Duty Retro-Reflective Photo Eye 110VAC/24V 40ft Range
Programmable Timer *** To Extent of Inventory
Rotating Beacon 4" Amber 12-110V DC