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Linear Proxpad Plus Integrated Prox Reader and Controller w/Keypad

Item #: 0-205679

Manufacturer: Linear Corp

List price: $1054.70

  • Prox.pad™ plus is a fully integrated PC managed single door access system with a stand alone proximity reader and keypad.
  • The prox.pad plus when used on it’s own provides standard access control functionality with the use of it’s two relays and two inputs for request to exit and door position and enhanced system functionality when used with Hub Manager® Professional software.
  • The software allows the management of people and doors through easy to create reports and step by step wizard assisted expanded feature functionality.
  • The software can communicate to the prox.pad plus either through a 485 connection or on a LAN/WAN using the SEG-1 TCP/IP communication device.
  • By utilizing the proximity reader and keypad together a higher level of security is achieved by requiring both to grant access.
  • The prox.pad plus can be directly mounted to a single gang electrical box or to most flat surfaces.
  • *LAN/WAN connectivity requires the purchase of the LAN/WAN device Model: SEG-