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LiftMaster 3-btn Dip-Style Transmitter Sec+ 2.0

Item #: 813LMX

Manufacturer: Chamberlain, LiftMaster

List price: $46.56

Manuals & Brochures:
Programming instructions, Product Guide, Instructions de programmation,
  • Encrypted DIP style three-button remote control with Security+2.0 technology
  • Ideal for applications such as gated communities or commercial applications requiring a large number of remotes for a common entrance
  • Easy to code 12-position DIP switch offers up to 4096 codes
  • May also be programmed for Open/Close/Stop functionality
  • Narrow band transmission on 3 simultaneous frequencies (310 315 390 MHz)
  • Compatible only with Security+ 2.0™ commercial receivers and operators
  • NOT compatible with Liftmaster 8550 and 8360 garage door openers
  • Compatible with Liftmaster 850LM universal receiver