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Genie Universal Wireless Keypad 41249R

Item #: GUK-BK

Manufacturer: Genie / Overhead

List price: $79.50

  • Works with most major brand garage door openers. Compatible with Genie Intellicode (rolling code) Genie 12 and 9 switch systems going back to 1988.
  • Also compatible with Overhead Door Chamberlain Craftsman LiftMaster Wayne Dalton Linear Megacode Xtreme Garage Ryobi Sommer and Marantec. •With the Genie Universal Keypad you can control a combination of up to 3 different garage door openers. Each of the 3 openers can be programmed individually of the others so having multiple brands of openers controlled by a single keypad is not a problem.
  • Powered by two triple-A batteries (AAA)