Devanco Canada

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Devanco Canada Clear Door Lube 425g Aerosol

Item #: NTL-400

Manufacturer: Devanco Canada

List price: $12.50

Manuals & Brochures:
Safety data sheet, Fiche de données de sécurité,
  • Ozone Friendly Door Lubricant with anti-wear and extreme pressure additives.
  • Silicone Free
  • Non-drip clear formula provides long lasting lubrication and protection where metal to metal friction occurs. •Ideal for use on door tracks hinges springs rollers chains cables gears and more.
  • 15 oz Cans
  • Available for private label
  • Same as 400-HD
  • Naphthenic oil based (which offers better solubility and very good properties at low temperatures) and paraffinic oil based (a clearer oil that is best for lubrication)
  • 12 cans per case